Tuesday 19 June 2012

Hate Story—the whole story of MRP

Hate Story—the whole story of MRP

Cast: Ranjit Surti = husband 1 
          Piyush Bhansali = husband 2
          Meena Coorg = wife 2
          Sanjana Varisht = wife 1
          Mayuri Rasik = Sanjana's friend, detective
          Harshwardhan Shukla = Mayuri's husband
          Kishan Chaurasia = divorce lawyer
          Anjuman = Piyush's friend, software developer

This is the story about four people and how their lives got intertwined unexpectedly. The story starts with the wedding of Piyush (Bhansali) and Meena (Coorg). They were living in a live-in relationship for 2 years, but decided to take the plunge and get married.

The marriage was a small affair with minimal people, and traditional wedding. After the wedding Piyush and Meena set out for their honeymoon in Hawaii. Piyush had already planned and booked tickets for the honeymoon, he thought Hawaii would be the best place for their courtship. But his decision was not just based on the place, he had heard a lot about its people especially the women. When Piyush and Meena arrived at Hawaii,  they were greeted with a dance show (item number) by the hottest dancer in town ‘Shiela’. Being just married didn't deter Piyush from flirting with Shiela. Menna didn't like it, but didn't say anything, she played along for everybody’s sake. After checking in the hotel, Piyush said that he was going out to meet his friend who was in town, infact it was he who helped Piyush organize the trip. Piyush went out alone and told Meena to order and eat food by herself as he would be late.

Piyush didn't have any friend, he went straight to Sheila’s room whose number he got to know from the reception. He knocked on the door, and was answered by Sheila. She had just come out of bath and her fragrance engulfed Piyush. He could not resist her scent and pushed her in to her room. She chuckled but didn't say anything. Piyush saw green signal in her eyes and took matter in to his hands. They had wild sex, which left most of the room and furniture misplaced. Piyush looked at the time and realized that it was almost midnight. He rushed on to his room and opened the door with his spare key.

Meena was awake, but didn't get up and pretended to be asleep. Piyush tiptoed in to the bathroom and took a shower to get rid of any smell that could trigger Meena about his escapade. Next morning Meena asked when Piyush had come, Piyush asked her if she had eaten her dinner, she said she had her dinner early and slept of by 10 pm. Piyush said he came around 10:30 pm and since he had dinner went straight to bed. Meena knew he was lying and had been with that bitch Shiela, but didn’t say anything. She wanted to get even with Piyush. That day the hotel had organized a tour for the couple, the whole day they visited various tourist spots and hangouts, Meena observed that Piyush did not leave any stone unturned with his eve teasing and flirting which made meena all the more angry and determined to make it even. They returned to the hotel by evening and after dinner they started to retire to bed. Meena gave an excuse of not well and asked piyush if she could go out and visit a doctor may be. Piyush offered he could come, but meena denied saying that she could do it alone. The already tired Piyush didn’t push and dumped himself on to the bed. Meena went straight in to the pub and drowned herself in alcohol, something which she had not done in the past.

She became so drunk that she almost fell off her stool, but luckily she was helped by a man. She thanked him and started drinking again. He said,” you know you should not drink that much if you cant handle it”. She replied,” its not the alcohol that I cannot handle, it is my husband”. The stranger became curious and asked what was it about her husband. He introduced himself as Ranjit, Ranjit Surti. He had come on a business trip. Under the influence of alcohol she poured out her story of how her husband had cheated on her and how she wanted revenge. Ranjit after hearing her story became quiet for sometime. Suddenly his eyes sparkled, and he came up with a plan…

—to be continued       

Hate Story—the whole story of MRP (Part 2)

Hate Story—the whole story of MRP (Part 2)

Ranjit told Meena that he could help her in seeking revenge with her husband. He said that she could have revenge and more if she played along. Meena listened with rapt attention to Ranjit’s plan. She became stiff after hearing the plan, as if blood had been drained out of her body. Taking revenge was one thing but this, she she thought was a different ballgame altogether. Ranjit convinced her and seduced her to have sex with him, she finally relented to his wishes, more so because she found him irresistible and could not deny anything that he wanted. Ranjit knew she was all his for taking and wasted no time. He took her to his rented home. Ranjit half-carried her in to his bedroom, and dumped her on his bed. Meena under the influence of alcohol started calling him names which turned on Ranjit all the more. They had wild, passionate and rough sex the whole night. By the time Meena woke up it was already nearing noon. She found that she was naked and had scratch marks on her body. She realized whatever happened last night was not a dream. Ranjit came in and handed her a cup of coffee and some aspirins, which she took. After sometime the throbbing inside her head stopped. She asked Ranjit what had happened last night. He didn’t say anything but pointed his finger to the camcorder. She could not believe he had carried out the plan. She checked in the camcorder and found it had recorded everything. She panicked, but Ranjit assured her.

She finally left his home and reached her hotel. On reaching the room she found Piyush sitting upset with the phone in his hand. “where the F*#k had you been, I was trying your number since morning”. She said she was ill by the time she reached hospital, and there she saw her friend who was working as a nurse there. They went to her home and because she was weak and sick her friend insisted on Meena spending the night with her. Piyush was not convinced but asked if she was Ok. She said she needed some rest and went to bed. In the evening Ranjit called her and asked when he should carry out the next step of their plan. She was not sure if she wanted to go forward with the plan. Ultimately she asked Ranjit to wait for some days and told him she would call. 

Days went by but Piyush didn’t change, she could not remember when was the last time they had made passionate love. This prompted her to call Ranjit, she found solace in him, but more than that she missed the wild session she had with him. She said it was time and asked Ranjit to send the CD. Ranjit sent the CD that they had recorded in courier to Piyush in his hotel. Ranjit then called Piyush on his phone and told him he had a CD of his wife getting physical with another man. He threatened him to expose his wife on internet if he didn’t give him 50 lakhs. Piyush believing it to be  prank call, asked if he had any proof of the video. Ranjit told him to check at his hotel reception where he would find a courier in his name. Piyush slammed the phone on the ground and rushed to the reception. He found the courier, and after watching it became convinced that it was his wife, but he could not see the man as his face was blurred. Angrily he called Ranjit and told him 50 lakhs was too much he would not give a penny more than 15 lakhs. Ranjit stuck to his threat and said it was 50 lakhs or nothing.

Reluctant he agreed to pay the amount, but asked what’s the gaurentee Ranjit would not use the video again. Ranjit assured him by saying he will give him the camcorder and video. They met at a secluded place where Ranjit asked him to drop the bag and drive 200 meters forward where he would find his bag in the dumpster. Piyush did as instructed and got the bag. On checking it he found the camcorder and the video. He returned home frustrated. He thought enough was enough and planned to get a divorce from his wife, so that even if the video did leak he would not have to face the shame. He told Meena that what she had done was unforgivable and asked for a divorce. Meena started crying and wailing but this has no effect on Piyush, in fact he became more persistant to go ahead with the divorce. Finally they got divorced through the divorce lawyer Kishan Chaurasia. Kishan asked what alimony would Meena get as she was a dependent wife. Piyush reluctant to get rid of her said he would send in a monthly amount, but Kishan said it would be better if he gave her a substantial amount and get rid of her for ever. Heeding to kishan’s advice Piyush and Meena settled for 10 lakhs as alimony and they got divorced. She paid Kishan the bribe that she had promised. Kishan was Meena’s henchman, and it was she who told Kishan to convince Piyush for a lump some one time amount against a monthly income. As soon as Piyush was out of her life she called Ranjit, everything was going according to the plan. She headed for Ranjit’s home and planned to spend her days and especially nights with him. They had a wild celebration which prompted his house owner to check in what’s happening. After staying with him for few days they planned to return to India where they would decide what to do with the money.

Meanwhile, Piyush got restless and angry not because he lost his wife but more because he lost 60 lakhs due to that bitch. Even Sheila could not make him happy anymore. In frustration he saw the video of his wife, but no matter how hard he tried he could not identify the blurred image of the man. Then an idea struck him, he  went to a computer shop and asked whether blurred images in a video could be made clear. He came to know they could be. He recollected that a friend of his Anjuman, who was a computer graphics programmer stayed in there. He gave the video to him and told him to make the blurred image clear. He finally came to know what Ranjit looked like in real life. Bent on rage he decided to kill Ranjit and take his money back. With the help of Anjuman he ran in the image of Ranjit in to the government’s population database, but the database came out clean. Even after trying several times he found no information about Ranjit in the database.

Frustrated he went to the bar for a drink with the picture of Ranjit in his hand. While serving him his drink bartender saw Ranjit’s photo in his hand and asked him if he knew the guy. Piyush said it was his friend but he could not find him. Bartender said he regularly saw that guy in the pub, and also said that the last time he saw him he was with a woman. Piyush’s heart jumped, he took out a picture of his wife and asked whether it was this woman. Bartender said she seemed familiar but he could not be sure. He asked the bartender if he had any information about Ranjit. Luckily bartender said he once mentioned his address and said Piyush could find him there. On reaching the address he found out that the place was rented and upon confronting the house owner learned that his wife was with Ranjit and he had been conned by both of them. His anger burned and he sweared to kill both of them. He learnt from the house owner that Ranjit had left for India 3 days back. House owner said that he did not have any more information about Ranjit, other than the fact that he was an Indian businessman and came here once or twice in a year.

Piyush now planned how he would get rid of both of them and also get his money back. He let his friend Anjuman in to his plan promising him a percentage of the amount. He returned to India to find Ranjit and Meena….

—To be continued

Hate Story—the whole story of MRP (Part 3)

Hate Story—the whole story of MRP (Part 3)

Ranjit didn’t return to Mumbai his home but booked a flight to Delhi. After reaching Delhi, Ranjit and Meena checked in to a hotel. Ranjit called his wife Sanjana from there. 

Ranjit: “Hi Darling how are you”

Sanjana: “Ranjit! Is that you. Oh how I miss you dear, when will you return?”

Ranjit: “It may take another week sonu, will return as soon as possible”

Sanjana: “I love you”

Ranjit: ”I love you too”

Meena was looking at Ranjit all this time, even though she knew Ranjit was married, she could not think of sharing him with another women, not from now onwards. Ranjit knew what she was thinking and said it was she whom he loved and would get rid of his wife as soon as possible. They started planning on what to do with the money they had. The safest way would be to deposit the money in a bank. Carrying the money with them was risky and dangerous. Ranjit said they could fake their marriage and get forged documents and passport. Then they would deposit the money as a joint account, so that they both have access to the money.

Meena and Ranjit both agreed that this was a good idea. Ranjit went out to make forged documents. He had contacts and knew where to get them. 
Meanwhile Meena planned on making the evening special for both of them. She ordered wine and caviar for their night, she had heard caviar was a good aphrodisiac. She also ordered rose petals and aromatic oils for bath. She wanted to make this night the best he would ever have. 

Ranjit came in the evening tired, he entered the room with the spare key. Meena was waiting for this moment. Meena said,” honey am in the bath, why don’t you come here”. Not feeling sure, Ranjit went to the bathroom. Meena was in the tub and the water was covered with petals. “You seem tired, why don’t you also take a bath with me”. Ranjit knew where this all was going to lead, and he could not wait to see the end. They both had a shower and bath together and all this while they could not keep their hands off each other. It was as if they were discovering each other for the 1st time.  After their bath they wrapped themselves around a single towel and tiptoed to the bedroom. Meena asked Ranjit to get ready as she wanted to take him somewhere. Ranjit could not believe there was more to this evening. She chose a dress for him and went to her room to change her dress as well. They both then had a candle-light dinner on the terrace with wine and caviar. They both den danced to slow music before becoming the animals that they were on bed. Their love making lasted more than an hour which left the bedsheets and pillows ripped. At last they both drifted to sleep. Meena was right; this was the best evening Ranjit had in his entire life. One of them was thinking,”this is the person whom I want to be with for the rest of my life”. The other one was thinking, “The time will come, have patience”.

 Piyush and Anjuman returned to Mumbai. They just had the full name of ranjit and his photograph nothing else. Nonetheless Piyush knew Anjuman would be able to find him with his hacking abilities. They got to know that Ranjit was a resident of Mumbai and that he was married to Sanjana  Varisht. Piyush took out the details of the address and planned to raid the house. He and Anjuman went to the address and found Ranjit’s home. Piyush knew Ranjit would not have told Sanjana  about Meena. He though he would go in as a friend of Ranjit and see whether he can have any lead to Ranjit’s whereabouts from her. 

Piyush rang the bell which was answered by Sanjana. He introduced himself as Ranjit’s friend and business colleague. Sanjana said Ranjit was in Hawaii and would only come 1 week later. Both Piyush and Anjuman glanced at each other. He was right Ranjit had not told anything to Sanjana. Piyush thought she could be a good ally to him and help in finding her husband and his wife too. Piyush then showed Sanjana the video tape of Ranjit and Meena, Sanjana’s expression changed from curiosity, to frustration, to anger , to pure rage. Piyush told sanjana all that had happened and asked her whether she would help him find her husband and his wife. Sanjana had just one thought in her mind, ‘KILL’. Piyush told her that Ranjit was in India only and not in hawaii. But he didn’t know where in India he was. Sanjana said she would find him. She then called Ranjit and talked to him for some time. After some time Sanjana came to Piyush, she told him Ranjit was in Delhi and was staying in a hotel. But she could not gather any other information from him. Piyush was amazed how she had got the information, but Sanjana was unfazed, she had not done psychology for nothing. 

Sanjana was still boiling with rage, the same rage that Piyush had when he got to know about his wife’s deceit. It was a common link for both of them. But piyush knew rage would not help in finding the duo. They would have to chalk out a plan. They dropped the idea of going to delhi and looking for ranjit and meena themselves, since ranjit and meena would be able to recognize them. Sanjana thought of sending a detective behind them who will track them for Sanjana and Piyush. Sanjana called on a number.

Sanjana: Hey how are u?

Number: Hi Sanjana long time, I am fine just the routine theft and kidnap cases, the field is becoming less interesting by the day. 

Sanjana: I have a case for you, it’s a personal one, would you be able to handle it?

Number:  what happened, is everything all right, offcourse I would help you.

Sanjana: cant tell on the phone, come over to my home.

Number: Ok, am leaving right now.

Sanjana (to Piyush): She is in, her name is Mayuri, Mayuri Rasik, she is a private detective and a personal friend, I could not have given this to anybody else. Piyush was skeptical about Mayuri, but he thought if Sanjana was fine with her, he had no choice but to oblige. Mayuri came half an hour latter. Sanjana and Piyush narrated all that they knew about the case, Sanjana started crying but was consoled by Mayuri. Mayuri agreed to help them track him down. She said she would have all the details about Ranjit and Meena in 10 days time. Piyush was impressed, Sanjana wasn’t. Sanjana knew it wasn’t a big deal for Mayuri, she wanted Mayuri to track them faster. Mayuri said she would do all that she can.   

Mayuri collected all the details of Ranjit and Meena from them and left for home. She entered her home and switched on the lights. She could not believe fate would get her a second chance with Ranjit. She had a score to settle with him. She would make him pay for both of them.

……..to be continued 

Hate Story—the whole story of MRP (Part 4)

Hate Story—the whole story of MRP (Part 4)

Delhi had changed a lot from the last time she had seen it, but then that was more than a decade ago. Mayuri felt nostalgic returning to her hometown after such a long hiatus, she wished she had time to explore the city. But then she remembered she had work to do here, hard work.

The first thing that she did was to get the details of all the flights from Hawaii to Delhi. From Piyush she had come to know of the possible dates when Ranjit and Meena would have booked their tickets. With a little flirting and a beautiful bribe, she got hold of all the flights between the possible dates along with the list of passengers. She came to know that Ranjit and Meena were together as suspected. After a little more brain work, spying ,bribing and a lot of hard work she got hold of the hotel in which Ranjit and Meena were staying, 'Hotel Lotus'. She had to be careful, as Ranjit would recognize her as soon as he saw her, hence she sent a henchman to the hotel to collect their details. She got to know that Ranjit and Meena were staying at room 612, they had checked in a week earlier and also that they had scheduled for a city tour next morning. Mayuri thought of sneaking in the room after they left for the tour. As scheduled Ranjit and Meena went for sightseeing that day. After making sure everything was clear, Mayuri sneeked in to their hotel room and began searching for the money that Piyush had told her about. But even after searching for 3 hours she could not find any evidence of hidden money. Dejected she returned to her hotel. 

She started thinking what had went wrong and where Ranjt would have kept the money. It was then that it struck her, ofcourse Ranjit being of suspicious nature would never keep money with himself, it was far to dangerous and risky, he would have transferred the money to somewhere safe. Now what was the safest place where he could hide it? Locker, yes offcourse locker that would be safe enough. But she didn’t see any locker in his room. Wait a minute Banks had lockers, yes that was the answer. What would be safer than banks, they had the most efficient lockers. Now she had to check which bank they had deposited their money in. She knew they were in a hurry to transfer the money to a safe place, hence they would have chosen a bank which was not very far away from their hotel. On Inspection Mayuri found that there were 3 banks in the hotel premises, Bridges, Bharat and Wallace. She investigated all the 3 banks for new accounts that opened in last 1 week. She got to know that Ranjit had  deposited his money in Bridges, and also that it was a joint account of Ranjit and Meena. 

Meena got suspicious, this was not Ranjit’s style, he did not trust anybody, why would he have a joint account? She decided to keep a tab on the money and his account activities. Mean while she called Sanjana and told her all the details. Sanjana and Piyush were happy, it had just been a week since Mayuri was on the case. Mayuri asked sanjana not to worry, she would take care of the matter. She also assured Piyush that she would get his money back. For the next 2-3 days she spied on Ranjit and Meena on their activities. This gave her ample time to visit her past with Ranjit.


Sanjana and Ranjit had just been married and had thrown a lavish party for the same. Mayuri being Sanjana’s friend was also invited. From the moment Mayuri entered the party Ranjit had his eyes fixed on her, and although Mayuri was not feeling good about this she didnt bother for Sanjana’s sake. After the Party Ranjit took Mayuri aside on the pretext of discussing a professional matter, but all Mayuri could see in his eyes was lust. He would have taken her in had it not been for Sanjana who came by to ask what the matter was. Seeing Sanjana Ranjit changed his tone and said to her that he wanted to recruit Mayuri for a spy job for one of his rivals. Even though she was not interested, on Sanjana’s insistence she took the case. Now Ranjit would come to her house every 2 days on the pretext of official meeting about the case and try to seduce her. But when he realized she would not give in he ultimately raped her. When her husband Harshwardhan heard about this he could not take it and killed himself. Mayuri went through hell for the next 2 years because of this. Mayuri even thought of killing Ranjit, but seeing Sanjana’s love for Ranjit she decided to let it go. 

But that was then, when Mayuri heard Ranjit had cheated Sanjana also she could take it no more. She decided to kill Ranjit. That was one of the reasons why she had taken this case. From all this Mayuri knew that Ranjit was a womanizer and did not care for anything other than money. 

Mayuri was jolted back to reality, off course that had to be it, she found the answer to the question that was poking inside her head all this while. Why had Ranjit opened a joint account? She dressed up fast and dashed for the bank. She hoped she would be proven wrong, but knowing Ranjit she was sure this was it. On reaching the bank she came to know that Ranjit had withdrawn all the money from the bank. She panicked, she hoped she was not too late, she ran for Ranjit’s hotel room, sweat running down her face. Thank god she had taken her licensed revolver.

…….To be continued

Monday 18 June 2012

Hate Story—the whole story of MRP (Part 5)

Hate Story—the whole story of MRP (Part 5)

Ranjit entered his hotel room quietly and placed the money in a duffel bag. He then called Meena and realized that she was taking a shower. Seeing the opportunity he took the champagne bottle from the fridge and made 2 glasses. He put a tablet in one of them and waited for Meena to come. He was in a cheerful mood and was already drinking his glass when Meena came. He said today he felt like celebrating so had taken out the champagne. He offered Meena the other glass and told her to drink it. Meena didn’t feel like drinking it, but didn’t want Ranjit’s mood to be spoilt, she thought wasn’t he the Man she wanted to be with for the rest of her life.  She felt dizzy after drinking and said to Ranjit, “honey I don’t feel good, was the champagne alright? Ranjit said, “Oh don’t worry dear it’s not the champagne, it’s the poison”.

Meena felt as if her eyes were popping out of her socket. She didn’t know if this was because of the poison or because of what Ranjit just said. Ranjit saw the expression on Meena’s face. He said, “yes bitch, I poisoned you. What did you think, I would live with a wreak like you for the rest of my life? You were nothing more than a toy for me. I wanted the money, so had to stick with you for so long. Now I will get the money and return to Mumbai as if nothing happened. Sanjana will think I was on an extended tour and all this 60 lakhs would be mine. Meena could not believe what Ranjit was saying, she said, “But I loved you”. To which Ranjit retorted, “and I loved your money”.

Just then the door flung open and Mayuri entered in. She saw Meena on the floor and realized she was too late. She said, “you bastard” and shot 2 bullets right on to Ranjit’s stomach. Ranjit all this while was too stunned to do anything, he had never imagined Mayuri would be here. Ranjit stumbled to the floor, but he was still alive. Regaining his senses he threw a knife at Mayuri. It struck Mayuri in the heart. As a reflex action she shot another bullet, this time it went through Ranjit’s head. Ranjit was dead and so were Meena and Mayuri.  

Paper clipping of a newspaper 1 year later:

Lotus Triple Murder Case Closed Today

Delhi: Triple murder that happened in Lotus last year came to a close today. After much investigation it was learnt that 2 of the victims Ranjit Surti and Meena Coorg were living in the hotel since a week or so. On the said date, Ranjit had come to room with money in his bag. Then he had a fight with Meena. As per the eyewitnesses after 5-10 minutes the 3rd victim Mayuri Rasik came in carrying a revolver and saw Ranjit with Meena. Infuriated she 1st poisoned Meena and then shot Ranjit. In retaliation Ranjit threw a knife at Mayuri which punctured her heart. In the mishap all three of them died. It was learnt that Mayuri had aquintance with Ranjit in the past and that she was raped by him. This also explains the suicide of her husband Harshwardhan. Police found a suicide note from Mayuri’s house which they suspect was of Harshwardhan's. It was this note which helped police in knowing about Mayuri’s rape. The case is clearly that of revenge as have been proved by the evidences. The money which was found on the murder site has been returned to Mr Piyush Bhansali, who is the divorced husband of the victim.

(10 years later and counting…..)

Sanjana: Ranjit, Mayuri, come down breakfast is ready.

Ranjit: Coming, give us a sec.

Piyush: Honey have you seen my socks? I cannot find them.

Sanjana: Look in the 2nd drawer dear they are there.

Ranjit, Meena: good morning, dad, good morning mom.

Sanjana: Good morning angels, now have your breakfast or you will be late for school

Ranjit: Mom, I wanted to ask you something

Sanjana: Yes dear

Ranjit: You know Sameer? The other day he was saying brothers and sisters have similar names or names starting with same alphabets. But how come we have such different names Ranjit and Meena.

Meena: yeah mom why is that?

Sanjana and Piyush throw a knowing glance at each other.

Piyush: hey champ you are growing up pretty fast, aren’t you?

Sanjana, stroking the hair of Ranjit: We will tell you when you grow up a bit dear

Ranjit: But when mom?

Piyush: Pretty soon champ, but not today, bcoz today you are going to be late for school. 
Now pack your bags and come.

Ranjit, Meena and Piyush bid farewell to Sanjana.

Sanjana to Piyush: Do call me honey when you reach office.
Piyush: yeah sure dear.

Piyush could not believe he could love someone so much as he loved Sanjana. Their courtship had blossomed after the deaths of their respective spouses.

One evening both of them had went to Mayuri’s grave. Sanjana couldn’t keep her tears back, but it was Piyush who consoled her. She looked at him in the eye and thought here is a man who has had the same kind of loss that I suffered, no one would be able to understand me better than him. Piyush was thinking the same thing. For the 1st time in his life he wanted to protect a woman from the world itself. He knew he would not be able to live without her.  A week later they both got married.

When their 1st son was born their happiness doubled. Sanjana persuaded Piyush to name their son Ranjit. Piyush was against it at first, but Sanjana convinced him that it was her way to make peace with her past. It was not until they named their second daughter Meena that Piyush understood what Sanjana meant.

From there onwards there has been no looking back. Piyush and Sanjana have as much been in love as 2 people could possibly have been. Together they are looking at a bright future for them, surrounded by happiness and peace.


Sunday 3 June 2012

Behind the Posts (The inside-out of my posts)

Hate Story:

What started off as a spoof and a gossip between 2 people turned out in to a well plotted and conceptualized story. Hate story was conceived when I was sitting in my office and was having a chat with my friend. We were  having a light conversation about the happenings in our lives and our environment when the idea struck. At first it was just a gossip to while away time, but as we kept on talking, the plot and the characters started to develop. By the way the characters and their nature in this story is inspired from real people. But the story itself is fictional and does not bear any resemblance to any person living or dead. And before you start scratching your brains let me tell you the story is not a spoof or a remake of 'Hate story' the movie. I just came up with the  name since I couldn't find a more suitable title.

In the subtitle of the story (The whole story of MRP) MRP stands for Meena, Ranjit and Piyush. the 3 main protagonists of the story. I am also going to introduce the 4th protagonist of the story in my 3rd part. We had already thought of the trailer, songs and marketing ideas for the story as if this was a real movie. Even though this whole process did not take more than 20 minutes to think and conceptualize, it was much more hard to write. While writing I realised that I would not be able to post the whole story in a single sitting since the characters and the ambiance needed time to develop in the audience's mind. So I thought of writing it in parts (although even the parts are becoming bigger). But while writing it I realized that the story would strangle if the people in it were inspired from real people as I would have to stick to their characteristics. Hence I have diverted and have made the characters 100 percent imaginative taking the liberty of a writer. I hope you enjoy the story as much I have enjoyed writing it.